
Digital and Vernier Calipersup to 1000 mm
Depth gaugesup to 500 mm
Hight gaugesup to 1000 mm
Oditest caliper gauges for inside and outside measurements and thickness gaugesup to 100 mm
Outside micrometersup to 500 mm
2-point internal micrometersup to 1000 mm
Depth micrometersup to 100 mm
Micrometer rodsup to 200 mm
Cylindersup to 50 mm
Thickness standards and foilsup to 20 mm
Dial indicators and LVDT’sup to 100 mm
Rulersup to 2000 mm
Measuring tapesup to 50 m

Since the times of ancient civilisations up to the present day, length measuring devices have been one of the most fundamental and important measuring devices. Due to the direct nature of the measuring process, in this particular field of calibration, the measurers themselves have a crucial influence. This means the result can depend not only on their experience but also on their own body temperature, i.e. the thermal transfer of heat to the measuring equipment and instruments. Therefore, we at Metroteka continuously compare the measurers’ results, so as to ensure their accuracy and reliability.

In the field of length measuring, Metroteka is accredited for as many as 14 calibration methods. Other methods are covered through our long-lasting and excellent cooperation with our partners, enabling us to provide full service for a an increasingly wide range of instruments.